2023 Balance Billing, Disclosures & Consents Requirements To Boost OON Reimbursements

Webinar Information
Pre Recorded Webinar
Thursday, March 02, 2023
1 : 00 PM | EST
Regina Mixon Bates
60 minutes
Webinar Options

Webinar Background, Agenda & Trainer Profile :

Recent industry surveys disclose a lot of scrutiny on Balance Billing by Out Of Network providers. 2023 will be no different. The laws vary a lot hence it is difficult to find a common ground. OON providers need to be sure on how to balance bill without threatening your provider setting’s compliance and reimbursements. A bunch of regulations were passed through but there are still so many unanswered questions from the most recent audit findings on billing practices by OON healthcare providers. All providers have to aware of the fact that this is an important regulation and failure to comply can lead to legal issues with both health plans and patients. Your staff should be well educated on how to balance bill and what consent/disclosures you should have in place to avoid trouble later on.  
The following agenda will be discussed in detail during this live session :

  • 2023 OON provider disclosures for patients before providing services
  • Discussing the Out of Network (OON) Fee schedules in 2023
  • Detailed insights on the Balance Billing Responsibilities for OON providers across all states
  • How does OON billing effects the Patient responsibilities
  • Understanding the importance of anti-assignment provisions with health plan providers
  • What are the requirements for balanced billing by a non participating provider ?
  • Insights on the mandatory patient education before they signup.
  • Why do you need patient assignment of benefit forms
  • Myth Debunking – I am Out of Network So I don’t have to follow any rules
  • Discussing real life scenarios that could lead to billing fraud.
  • Vital information to look for in a patient’s policy
  • Guidelines to follow when accused of fraud charges
  • Policies & Procedures to assist practices fight healthcare audits.
  • How to legally waive off Patient Responsibility?
  • Exceptions to the Balanced Billing Rule
  • FAQs and Resources 

Ask your questions & get expert advice directly from the speaker during the informative Q/A session at the end of the webinar session.

About The Trainer: Regina Mixon Bates is CEO, of the Atlanta-based company, The Physicians Practice S.O.S. Group and has over 20 years of Medical Management and Education experience. The Physicians Practice S.O.S. Group is a healthcare consulting and education firm that provides services such as: long-range planning, IRO services, practice assessments, practice management, A/R management and oversight, new practice set up that includes facility design, auditing and training to physicians and their staffs. For over 20 years, they have helped healthcare providers across the country streamline their A/R process, improve patient flow and practice management and compliance, and keep current with ever-changing state and federal guidelines.