Supervising Patient Medical Records In 2023- Retention, Modification & Destruction Mandates For Medical Records

Webinar Information
Pre Recorded Webinar
Wednesday, April 05, 2023
1 : 00 PM | EST
Regina Mixon Bates
60 minutes
Webinar Options

Webinar Background, Agenda & Trainer Profile :

There are numerous Federal and State laws in 2023 that have made it difficult for all providers to determine which medical records to protect and what to destroy, especially considering the fact that keeping your records too long or not long enough can pose hefty risks in any healthcare setting. Providers should be aware of the latest regulation around Retention, Modification & Destruction Of Legal Medical Records in order to stay compliant. Extreme precautions should be followed while modifying, amending or destroying a medical record to ensure compliance. Therefore, it is critical to develop a defensible records management program. Your staff needs to understand who can make changes to a medical record and under what circumstances can those changes be made. Your staff should be equipped with the most critical information needed to develop a consistent and compliant medical records management program.  
The following agenda will be discussed in detail during this live session :

  • Medical Records Management: Federal & State Regulations You Need to Know
  • Medical Record Retention: Guidelines to Avoid Litigation & Fines
  • Where to find record retention requirements for your state
  • Timelines involved for record retention of patient records
    • Active vs inactive records
    • Guidelines on establishing a clear cut purge policy
  • Destruction of Patient Health Information
    • Electronic Records & PHI
    • Types of records, forms & documents to be retained and destroyed
  • Making changes to your EHR: Special considerations you need to know that include:
    • Policies & procedures to define your complete record revision process
    • Key reasons that justify modifications to a medical record that include late entries, deleting and/or retracting information
    • Late entries - why do they happen and what can be done about it (this is the same as the above bullet point) - 
    • Key to deleting or retracting improper or incorrect information(this is related the same as the above bullet point)
  • Litigation & the record - Restrictions & requirements you need to know

Ask your questions & get expert advice directly from the speaker during the informative Q/A session at the end of the webinar session.

About The Trainer: Regina Mixon Bates is CEO, of the Atlanta-based company, The Physicians Practice S.O.S. Group and has over 20 years of Medical Management and Education experience. The Physicians Practice S.O.S. Group is a healthcare consulting and education firm that provides services such as: long-range planning, IRO services, practice assessments, practice management, A/R management and oversight, new practice set up that includes facility design, auditing and training to physicians and their staffs. For over 20 years, they have helped healthcare providers across the country streamline their A/R process, improve patient flow and practice management and compliance, and keep current with ever-changing state and federal guidelines.